호주 워킹홀리데이/[ Season2 ]공장.일식당.렌트 일기

[호주 워킹 홀리데이] 번호기억안나 그냥씀; rsa 따고,요새 일들.

인생&조이 2010. 12. 21. 16:42

호주 와서 바 같은데서 일하려면 주류 자격증 rsa란게 필요한데 

이건 wa 웨스트 오스트렐리아 에서는 이너넷으로 볼 수 있게 되어있다.

구글 들어가서 

aha wa 치고 

online training 50$ 으로 치면 되는거임. 

직종마다 다른걸 필요로 하니 윗사람에게 물어보거나 하시길

근데 바에서 일하고 싶으면 미리 따놓으면 좋긴 할듯 함. 

머리 싸매고 풀어본 결과 만점 킇흫ㅎ흐흫 

물론 구글검색 신의 도움을 받음-=_-

한번 죽 훑어보시길. 

RSA Online e-Briefing (WA only) - $50 - start your training
Suitable for all staff who serve or supply liquor - Western Australian front line staff only. This e-Briefing is approved by the Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor.
Did you know you can complete the nationally accredited RSA course for only an extra $25? Click here to complete
Steps to complete
Read and understand the modules below
Complete the required assessments
Read and complete the Legal Declaration
Process payment online using PAYPAL or Credit Card
Your certificate will then be issued
Upon successful completion of this course, you will also be forwarded your certificate*. In addition the AHA(WA) offers the opportunity for you to purchase your personal liquID card, a hospitality industry accreditation and discount card. liquID recognises and certifies your Responsible Service of Alcohol and/or Liquor Licensing training in a compact card format that you can keep with you at all time, as well as providing you with a wide range of lifestyle discounts through West Club. Available for only $25, a discounted AHA(WA) training participant rate. Click here to find out more.
*PayPal payments – Certificates will be sent once verification of payment is provided by PayPal. Existing PayPal account member payments will be verified automatically. One off PayPal payments may take up to three days for verification from PayPal, therefore your certificate may also take up to three days before being emailed.
Helpful Hint
It is recommended that you take brief notes while reading all course content to assist you with completing the various assessments.
Please note: if you are not able to complete this course in one sitting, your username and password is valid for a period of one month.
Module Status Training
E-Briefing start training

.  Harm Minimisation
Minimise harm or ill health caused to people, or any group of people, due to the use of liquor
This is now the primary objective of the act
Relates to the individuals and the broader community

What is YOUR responsiblity as a responsible server of alcohol?
Practice Harm minimisation by following house policy
Provide a safe & clean environment for patrons & other staff
Adhere to RSA principles and regulations
Ensure that you meet burden of proof requirements

RSA Online e-Briefing (WA only) - $50
     1.A juvenile can be served alcohol if he/she is consuming a meal in the company of a responsible adult
a) True
b) False
     2.Which one (1) of the following is NOT a lawful reason for juveniles to be permitted on licensed premises?
a) Specific underage function
b) Lawful duties
c) In the company of a responsible adult
d) For the purpose of obtaining a meal
e) Lodger
f) To utilise the entertainment only (eg: pool table & darts)
     3.Which one (1) of the following is NOT an acceptable form of identification to satisfy proof of age?
a) Current Australian drivers licence
b) WA Proof of Age card
c) Current passport
d) Current international drivers licence
     4.How many grams of alcohol is in a standard drink?
a) 5
b) 7
c) 10
d) 12.5
e) 30
f) 100
     5.Which one (1) of the following is NOT an effect of excessive alcohol consumption?
a) Nausea/vomiting
b) Motor vehicle accident
c) Alcohol dependence
d) Increased metabolism
e) Hangovers
     6.Under the Liquor Control Act 1988, which one (1) of the following customers is it NOT an offence to serve alcohol to?
a) Juvenile
b) Someone who is drunk
c) Someone not conforming to appropriately displayed dress standards
d) Anyone who is displaying violent, quarrelsome, disorderly or indecent behaviour
e) Anyone outside licensed area
f) Anyone outside permitted trading times

RSA Online e-Briefing (WA only) - $50
     1.A juvenile can be served alcohol if he/she is consuming a meal in the company of a responsible adult
     2.Which one (1) of the following is NOT a lawful reason for juveniles to be permitted on licensed premises?
CORRECT - To utilise the entertainment only (eg: pool table & darts)
     3.Which one (1) of the following is NOT an acceptable form of identification to satisfy proof of age?
CORRECT - Current international drivers licence
     4.How many grams of alcohol is in a standard drink?
     5.Which one (1) of the following is NOT an effect of excessive alcohol consumption?
CORRECT - Increased metabolism
     6.Under the Liquor Control Act 1988, which one (1) of the following customers is it NOT an offence to serve alcohol to?
CORRECT - Someone not conforming to appropriately displayed dress standards

다 맞앗다는거임. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

내년 장사 하려면 지금부터 전화해서 예약을 해야 하는데 

지금 돈버는게 너무 괜찮아서 

어찌 할지를 모르겠다. 

아 제길

밋밋하고 재미 없는 이 렌트 생활+ 공장+ 레스토랑 

그러나 주당 1000 불 이상씩 벌고 있긴 하지만..

앞도 볼 수 없는 호주 오른쪽 지역 듣도 보도 못한 곳 쇼그라운드에서 장사를 해볼지.

돈은 마이너스가 날지도 모르지만


아 어쩌지 어쩌지 ㅣㅣㅣㅣㅣㅣ

내년에 장사하면 재미는 잇겟는데 돈이 확실치 않고 오히려 까먹을 수도 있는거고 

골아픈 일들도 많을거고. 

지금 사는데로 살면 지겹고 밋밋하겠지만 돈은 잘 벌리고 . 



반전 따윈 없이 잘 풀리길. 

호주 워킹홀리데이 카테고리는 

1. 워킹와서 겪은 일들.  Ing
2. 느낀 생각들.  Feeling
3. 준비중이시거나 계신분들께 유용한 팁들.
주로 이렇게 이루어져 있습니다.
따로 구분을 지어 놓기가 애매해서.. 그냥 어떤 사건이 있고,그 사건을 겪으며 느낀 생각 후에 이렇게 저렇게 하면 낫겠다.. 이런식의 전개라고 하면 될것 같습니다 ^^..

 워킹을 준비중이시다. 제가 준비한 준비물부터 차례로 보시고 . 무얼무얼 준비했나.
현재 호주로 워킹을 와 있는 상태다.  내가 어떻게 이곳에 적응하고 있나..
그냥 어쩌다 검색하다가 들어왔다. 걍 뭐 재미난 읽을 거리 없나 ..이건 사실 나에겐 슬픈 일이었는데.. 

밑줄친걸 찍으시면  제가 괜찮은 곳으로 안내해 드리겠습니다. ㅋ

 여기 클릭하시면 제가 맨처음 호주 가려고 준비할때부터 있었던 일들로 가셔서

저와 처음부터 함께하실 수 있으심. 므흣