'내츄럴커브스후기'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2014.09.15 내츄럴커브스 후기, 찾다가 구글에서 퍼왔어요. 2
카테고리 없음2014. 9. 15. 00:47

네이버에는 정보가 없더라구여. 

공구 한다는것만 있고, 

단백질 사려다가 찾았네여

출처는 여기, 


The Effectiveness of Natural Curves Supplements

 | By Heather Topham Wood

If you want larger breasts and don't want to put out the money for enhancement surgery, bust supplements may sound like a good idea, but their effectiveness is dubious and their use may carry a risk of serious illness. Natural Curves supplements are produced by the company Biotech and sold through retailers like GNC. The product is marketed as a natural way to increase the size of your breasts.

-------------- 중요부분만 해석. 

당신 가슴이 커지길 원하고 수술 할 돈이 없다면, 가슴 키워준다는 약들은 그럴싸하게 들리겠져.

근데 그것들은 심각한 문제를 유발해여. 바이오텍이라는데서 만든 내츄럴 커브스라고 있죠. 

이건 자연식품으로 당신 가슴사이즈를 키워준다는데여. 알아볼까여 

Bigger Cup Size

According to the manufacturer, Natural Curves has the ability to increase your breast size one cup or more in as little as 30 days. You are instructed to take one tablet twice a day for three to six months and stop when you reach the breast size you desire. To maintain the size, you are told to use the product for two weeks every three to four months. The manufacturer claims the product is most effective if you avoid carbonated drinks and caffeine while using the supplement. Keep in mind that none of these claims have been evaluated by the FDA for validity.

만든사람들이 그러는데, 이 제품은 가슴컵을 한컵이나, 먹고잇는 중에 커지면 원하는 사이즈에서 그만 먹으라고 

하네여. 하루 두알씩. 육개월까지. 

탄산음료나, 카페인을 먹지 말고 먹으랍니다. 


Ingredients included in Natural Curves are soy, saw palmetto, chasteberry, fenugreek, dandelion root and ginseng. The manufacturer states that this proprietary blend has an effect on the hormones that control breast growth. However, these claims are unfounded. A study published in a 2009 issue of the "Journal of Nutrition" found soy has no effect on the density of breast tissue. Furthermore, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists states that no clinical trials have been conducted to prove the effectiveness of bust-enhancing supplements and warns against taking these supplements, since they may pose health risks.

재료는 콩, 인삼 식물 뿌리 등등인데여. 

저런게 가슴을 키워주지 않는다고 여러 대학에서 연구를 다 햇네여. 

아 슬프다ㅠ 

Increase Breast Cancer Risk

Although breast enhancement products like the Natural Curves supplements may not increase the size of your breasts, they can have other effects on your body. The Mayo Clinic warns that these types of products often contain ingredients known as phytoestrogens, which may increase your risk of certain types of breast cancer

유방암 걸릴 위험을 높이니 먹지 말랍니다. 

내츄럴 커브스, 프로틴 사려다가 이쁜가슴사진 있어서 봤는데

많이들 사나봐여. 

그래서 구글 검색했어요. 네이버 다음 검색해봣더니 원하는 내용이 안나와서여. 

후기도 없고, 먹는다는 사람도 별로 없고, 

트레이너로써 왠지 이런건 해야할것 같아서 말이죠. 

항상 하는 얘기는

가슴 작으면 포기하고 

허리와 엉덩이, 허벅지 라인에 집중하세여. 스콰트만 하셔도 됩니다. 


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