인생&조이 2010. 8. 1. 21:38

I.. just want record this.. kind of shit thing..

Im working on Australia showground..for 3month. people call us 'show ground peopld'..

hm,, its not important point now.

I have fresh exprience.. to day!!

when I work at my store. some girls came there..

and I felt something going to wrong, so went there where near 4girls.

and I checked our product.. then I found something missing!!

so I said to them who 2pretty 2 so so girls..

'may I see ur bag? '

they said'sure..'

so i cheked, found some dolls.

but I was not convidence about they stole? or not

and she said I bought this at other shop.

oh.. ok.

and they went away..i asked my boss 'did buy dolls? or has that other store?'

and boss said.. no. its own my goods.

so i found their.. and got it.