인생&조이 2010. 8. 1. 21:34


I'm just arrived in Mackay where on maps somewhere -_-

cause I cant check which Aussie maps why its too big to me.

Today.. I m feeling tired so wanna go to bed early..

But really loud here why so many cows near here..

I d rather use my earphone tonight when I try to sleep ..

I wanna see my mum, and daddy. :)

It sounds likes kids what I wrote down soon.

mummy T-T daddyT-T plz call me I m missing u always!!

here is strange Australia.. Just for me?

i know why.. I m missing korea now.. Its the reason why I m feeling like this..

Give me soju Plz

I miss Even cigarettes which I ve done smoking May last year..

This T-T



Bojinia slim....


Is it called this name? kkk Anyway, I cant remember :) and I d rather wouldnt remember correct name of cigarrettes. kkk