인생&조이 2010. 6. 8. 00:14

Hi, there !I'm Rebirth who survives from the hell.I'm studying English as well to take advantage of a few moments.

The time for it is not allocated normally,but, I'm doing the work on my own everywhere.I used to meditate on the best ways to learn Englishoriginally.

After a month of speculation,I attained some results from the process.Using difficult words or idioms from somewhere is noteffective to show English effectively to others They just want 'simple and easy', which is not packed withlots of long or difficult expressions not used well in a dialogue.

Look up Steve Paul Jobs's speech given on a graduate stage.He used normal expressions which were suitable forthe lively situation.But, many people in Korea seem to feel like simpleexpressions can make them look too much childish.

Finally, they may get to misunderstand what they have with theirthought. Due to that error, they try to make trivialefforts to look nice by using difficult and delicate issues.

You know, the young even don't like utilizing that kindof issues or words related to them.In short, short stories in a daily life are being connected toadvanced English some day

.It looks so very easy to say and read at first,but, advanced class begins right after that course.So, you mentioned you were reading a book for children or teenagers to study English.

It could be the beginning of advanced English irrelevant of your level.I went through that way on my ownnot to go abroad. So, I can say it may be true.( I know that I have to investigate English more oftento become much better person in every part of English.)

It has been a few years even to reach this level.Give me your big hands as I gave you reading your essay.This is just a joke.

Let's take everything easy although it's too much harsh in some way.I'm working on at home to get something assigned to me done bytomorrow.

I'm a desk job worker in the morning,but I'm scheduled to leave the office at night to workto another place.

This doesn't make me earn moneya lot , but I'm convinced that this will be beneficial(profitable) for my life in the coming future.

That's why I'm trying to be liable for my workas much as I can.

Enjoy everything you can't avoid.Be happy with your work even though you can avoid it.Bravo your life until you win the game at the end.

This is all I got letter yesterday, and I feel sick-_- .  . too hard word to know for me T-T 

so I wanna write here and usually come and see.. this all good sentence. 

something useful.. inst it . I feel sad -_- cause I couldtn know all.