인생&조이 2010. 8. 1. 21:44

damn-_- still i dont know what day was today. let me check.. oh.. already 30.jul

it times passed by me too fastly, seems that bloody fast arrow, which even couldnt see..feel..

already, I dont like use this word.. its too sad, make me older than yesterday or just now..

anyway, do you know why I wrriting down in English here? k

cause I havent news about some funny shit~ I just want to check my English skill. Am I improved? or downgrade? kkk

It just know whose have living with me, working with me, reading my diary people.

do you feel am I improved? I think so .. oh.. no. to be modest.

to be hamful person who someone complimentary for me but dont feel pride of it too much and just let shown them green grin. kkk

its too hamfool.....kkk good night.